Software Development


While our clients often have in-house expertise in their product and application area, we are increasingly relied upon to complement their internal development teams with our high calibre embedded software development services to help get products to market faster.

Our design team does not just cover mechanical engineering and industrial design: we also have a team of electronics & embedded software ("firmware") engineers. Together the i4pd designers and developers enable a fully integrated technology-driven design service where the electronics and software elements are considered together with the industrial design and mechanical engineering from the outset.
Our software capabilities include:

• Real-time (embedded) software development including
 - Bare-metal solutions for simpler hardware solutions
 - Relevant operating systems including FreeRTOS, Zephyr, Linux for more complicated hardware
 - Device drivers, Physical layer interfaces, Platform APIs
 - Solutions based on PIC, Nordic, Texas, SiLabs and other microcontrollers
• Windows and Mobile Device application development
 - .NET, MFC, Xamarin, Android Studio
• Algorithm development and modelling (including Octave or Matlab)
• Multiple coding languages (C, C++, C#, Java & Python)

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Meet the key member of our team

Allan, Software Team Lead

With his background in product development, especially electronics and firmware, Allan's main focus will be on projects with a significant electronics element. Since joining i4PD, he has helped expand the company's internal capabilities in electronics and embedded software development services to benefit our clients.
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Allan Todd, Software Lead, i4 Product Design - Embedded Software Development Services

What’s the biggest ‘project killer’?
Incomplete product requirements.

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