Technology Scotland - i4's Presentation at the Drygate Brewery

August 17, 2017

Presentation Download Link


Presentation Title:
Who is driving the intelligent tools? Emerging and Enabling Technologies in Practice.

It’s never been more exciting to work within product design due to the emergence of new and evolutionary technologies for designers and engineers. The makeup of the various industry recognised product design models are changing, which can create challenges for product design consultancies when trying to implement emerging and enabling technologies within their processes. By embracing these new tools, we can demonstrate that product design has never before been more efficient, risk managed and cost effective (provided that these tools are used in the correct manner). To some it may seem that these intelligent tools are capable of replacing the skills of the user, but for the moment, we still have to continue to make sure we have intelligence driving them in order to avoid the ‘GIGO principle’. Investment in people, training and enabling technologies is key to helping overcome these challenges. In this presentation we will show how our past partnerships have successfully employed some of these emerging and enabling technologies within the product design lifecycle.


Tristan Elliott, Business Development Manager 
Kristian Clezy, Mechanical Design Engineer

Technology Scotland - i4's Presentation at the Drygate Brewery
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